Tuesday 22 October 2013

5 “S” of using GPS tracking in cars:

Whether you are a young driver or an adult, there can be several dangers involved on the road while you drive your car. Hence, is a good option to use a GPS tracking device in your car. Here are top 5 reasons why it is important to use GPS tracking units in your car:

  1. Safety: GPS tracking device monitors the speed of your vehicle, directions and locations. Parents can keep a watch on their child’s or teen’s driving behavior and ensure the safety of their young ones.
  2. Security: As vehicle movements can be monitored by using GPS tracking, you can keep your children away from unsafe and dangerous locations.
  3. Sanity: Parents can be at peace by installing GPS tracking devices in their teenage child’s cars.
  4. Saving: You can save a lot of your insurance premiums when you use GPS tracking units for your cars. Also, you can save on your fuel bills!
  5. Stability: GPS tracking offers stability to you and your family members because it puts everyone under the same driving rules and guidelines.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Fleet management systems - What can they do for you?

Nowadays, there are several businesses, which rely on transport in order to carry out various operations. Different types of vehicles are used by these companies to be fully functional. If you have such a business, then fleet management system is just right for you.

This can be attributed to modern GPS systems, which are exclusively used for fleet tracking. These systems can be used to keep a track of your vehicles by providing you real-time information. For instance, you can use them to see the driving routes taken by your drivers and control any irregularity instantly. Similarly, you can also check the fuel consumption of your fleet.

This essentially means that once you start using fleet tracking, you would notice safe and timely delivery, reduced operational costs, improved efficiency and productivity of your business. In a nutshell, you can enjoy a competitive edge over your rivals when you start using fleet management systems.